How to make your target audience read your newsletter

How to make your target audience read your newsletter

How to make your target audience read your newsletter 1000 667 Phoenix Software Development

A newsletter is sometimes called an ineffective tool for advertising because is poorly opened. But many leading companies are still using it and are not going to refuse. It can work properly when it is correctly applied and adapted to the modern requirements of the audience.

Use artificial intelligence

  • Analytics

This is an important part of email marketing. To make effective mailings, you need to quickly navigate through a variety of indicators and metrics. Act quickly based on the received data. Artificial intelligence handles these tasks well in minutes and facilitates the work of marketers.

  • Audience segmentation

This tool is not often used in email marketing due to technical difficulties, although its use can significantly improve mailing rates.

Artificial intelligence solves this problem too. It easily looks through the mailing results and divides the recipients into groups, evaluating their behaviour and other characteristics. Can track statistics for a long time.

  • Chatbots

Chatbot integration also automates the process. It works standalone but allows you to increase the effectiveness of email marketing, especially if it is controlled by artificial intelligence.

User Content matters

Customers trust a company when they see other people’s successful experiences with its product. These can be testimonials, reviews, instructions for use, life hacks, video tutorials, and even podcasts from brand consumers.

In addition, posting links mentioning the company on social networks is another reason to introduce readers to your profiles or blogs. The tool works great in B2C but also gives good results in B2B.

Engage readers in the game with interactive emails

The time for just text emails is over. Now in the struggle for the attention of the audience, it is necessary to offer readers content that encourages interaction.

Interactive emails increase conversions by 2x. What can be added to letters to get such results?

  • Surveys and quizzes to collect information about users;
  • Slideshows and carousels;
  • Buttons with transitions to the company’s website, blog or store.

Make newsletter personal or stop sending it

Personalization in the email goes far beyond the first name. 92% of marketers consider it a key driver of company revenue growth. Our mailboxes are full. But letters from leading brands are regularly opened. Because they know their recipients well. And they send only the content that they really care about. 66% of consumers expect this behaviour from all business representatives. It’s the only way to stand out. After all, 72% of people only read emails that are tailored to their interests.

In conclusion, remember that great integrations and innovative tools will help you succeed.

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