Interview in IT companies: How to get a job of your dream

Interview in IT companies: How to get a job of your dream

Interview in IT companies: How to get a job of your dream 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

In this article, Phoenix Software Development shares the tips from IT recruiter who works in this sphere for more than 10 years. David is going to tell you what you need to be able to get a job, and what requirements to expect at work.

The interview

Usually, interviews take place in two steps. In the first, non-technical step, we get acquainted with the candidate and find out mutual expectations, including monetary ones. I will not describe this round in the text. We focus on the test task and the second round. Between the first and second interviews, time passes (usually several days, maybe weeks). For it, we offer candidates to complete the test task. A well-completed task allows you to invite a candidate to the second round. If the test task is performed poorly, then we will not consider the candidate further.

Then we evaluate the chances of joining the team and along the way for a tick check knowledge in the subject area. We make (or don’t) make an official offer to the candidate based on the results of the second round.

Test task

We advise you to perform the test task very carefully. We give as much time as needed to complete it, so no need to rush. No need to send the results half an hour after receiving the letter with the assignment, this doesn’t affect us at all! Employees who will view the solution over the past six months have seen dozens of variations of the solution and can find fault with anything. No need to facilitate their work. The less nit-picking, the greater the chance that the company will invite a candidate to the second round. Just do not think that the test task is a sophisticated way to get code from candidates for free. This is a filter that saves time spent on the process of hiring developers.

Read more about the interview

At interviews, they do not intimidate and do not try to show themselves to be the smartest. Do not wait for tricks. The second round begins with the presentation of the solution. The task of those who are present is to make sure that the candidate completed the task himself. We are also trying to evaluate by eye how many lines he wrote himself, and how many he copied. There is nothing wrong with copying! At the same time, you need to be prepared that we may ask even about the copied code.


After a trial period (3 months), the company and / or candidate may decide to terminate the cooperation. The company will consult, leave the candidate at work or say goodbye. This is decided whether the junior candidate or an experienced programmer. Colleagues with whom the candidate will have time to work will be asked to anonymously evaluate the progress, potential, and chances of the candidate to join the team. It is always better to be prepared for the fact that you will be asked to resign. Sometimes, even if there were no conflicts with anyone and work came out nothing, HR will still offer to say goodbye. It happens if a person and a team simply do not fit together.

Junior position

Starting a junior position is not so bad. The first time (1-3 months) someone will constantly engage in a junior to pull up to a generally accepted level. The challenge for juniors is that they will have to learn a lot in a short time. Unfortunately, fellow programmers are rarely the most patient teachers.

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