Saas Applications (PART 1)

Saas Applications (PART 1)

Saas Applications (PART 1) 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

In the SaaS platform, you get access to the application functionality via the Internet for a paid subscription. The software itself is usually located on the developer’s server, which ensures the operability of the application, its regular updates and improvements.

A vivid example of this model in the B2C segment is the Google Docs service. We get at our disposal the functionality of a text editor using a browser. To do this, you do not need to specifically install the program on a working computer.

Examples from B2B are services of hosting providers, task schedulers, CRM, etc. Various types of software, the functionality of which is used by enterprises without being its owners.

For example, if a company buys a server for its own needs, and then hires an outsourcing specialist to support it, it will no longer be SaaS. The software and computing power of the server belong to the company, and the specialist simply provides its services for its maintenance.

Nowadays, online services are becoming increasingly popular, while the competition in SaaS is quite low. Therefore, the provision of software as a service is a fairly promising option for starting your own online business.

Benefits of SaaS

Since the creation of the SaaS service as well as its support is exclusively the responsibility of the provider, the client eliminates the need to service it. The main advantages for the client include:

  • Low cost. The subscription fee for using this type of application is much lower than the cost of development and maintenance.

  • Simplicity. SaaS web interfaces can be used from any device. For all company employees to gain access to it, software installation on all computers is not required.

  • Time-saving. The integration of this service and the training of employees will require only a few days.

All this makes this type of application popular among small and medium-sized businesses, as well as among ordinary Internet users. For the owner, SaaS provides the following benefits:

Regular income. This model is designed for continuous long-term cooperation with customers. Therefore, you get a steady stream of profit from all customers, instead of one-time payments.

Full control over software improvements and labor-saving. Instead of simultaneous technical support of software for several clients at once, you make changes to applications centrally. You do not have to perform the same actions dozens of times.

Great coverage of Central Asia. Due to the speed of integration and simplicity, this type of application will be in higher demand in some areas than the software that needs to be installed.

Lower maintenance costs. If you provide additional services for your own customers or simplify your own service using SaaS, you get a significant competitive advantage, and expand the number of regular customers.

But in order to create truly high-quality software that will be in demand, two key aspects are necessary:

  • Consider the basic needs of Central Asia.

  • Find qualified developers.

In other words, the idea should reinforce the results of consumer marketing research and market analysis. And the team that will create the service should have the skills both in development and in creating user interfaces, marketing, and analytics.

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