Saas Applications (PART 2)

Saas Applications (PART 2)

Saas Applications (PART 2) 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

Digital tools and services for business can make the company’s work and communication with customers much more effective. But the development and support of software products is quite a laborious and expensive pleasure. To regularly update software or modify functionality to fit your own needs, sometimes you need a whole technical department within the company.

Software as a service or SaaS is a solution to this problem for users. This is a model of cooperation with software owners, where the software acts as a service, and the owner is a provider who independently provides services.

SaaS Service Development Steps

We will consider in stages the entire process of creating SaaS services.

  • Discussion of the project. You explain to specialists the goals for which the software is created, its functionality, what tasks the user will solve, etc.

  • Predesign studies. Analysts are studying the market for which the service will be designed: available analogs (including programs for downloading), the needs of the target audience. After that, if necessary, supplement the concept with competitive advantages and submit for approval.

  • Prototyping. Next, a prototype of the entire service is created, where the logic of its operation and the interface structure are schematically displayed.

  • Software development. Specialists create the architecture of the project and implement all its functionality.

  • Creating an interface design. The unique design of the application is drawn, taking into account the UI \ UX. In this case, experts are guided primarily by convenience for future users.

  • Testing. A comprehensive performance check of the entire software product: various tools are tested, the integration with external services is correct, the quality of protection is checked, as well as the correct operation under various user interaction scenarios.

  • Customer support and training. After the product is ready, development specialists teach the technical team of the client the basic features of the service.

When SaaS Applications Are Helpful

SaaS development can act as an additional tool for communication with the client, as well as an independent solution for startups. This type of service is most popular among entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses (in B2B). If you work in the B2C sphere, then SaaS will be useful if the main segment of your target audience is users who prefer to quickly access the necessary functionality via the Internet than to download and install the software.

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