
Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed Reality (MR) 1000 667 Phoenix Software Development

Like many terms that describe new and innovative technologies, the term ‘mixed reality’ is used very differently and is subject to certain dynamics. Therefore, here we will try to bring some order to the confusion of definitions. However, before we do that, we should take a step back and clarify how virtual reality and augmented…

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The most popular mobile apps downloaded at the beginning of 2022

The most popular mobile apps downloaded at the beginning of 2022 1125 750 Phoenix Software Development

With over 3.2 billion smartphone users worldwide, it’s no surprise that the mobile app industry is booming. In addition, there are 1.14 billion tablet users worldwide and this number has grown by about 36% over the past six years. App usage is still growing steadily, with no signs of slowing down in the foreseeable future.…

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How to make your target audience read your newsletter

How to make your target audience read your newsletter 1000 667 Phoenix Software Development

A newsletter is sometimes called an ineffective tool for advertising because is poorly opened. But many leading companies are still using it and are not going to refuse. It can work properly when it is correctly applied and adapted to the modern requirements of the audience. Use artificial intelligence Analytics This is an important part…

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Augmented reality in retail

Augmented reality in retail 1000 662 Phoenix Software Development

With a new wave of pandemics, the way to the store and offline purchases are becoming problematic again, and online retail is becoming more and more important now. Digital commerce is growing at an incredible pace, outstripping all forecasts. Opportunities for online buyers are growing every day, fierce competition forces sellers to constantly improve their…

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Why do we need a Security Operations Center?

Why do we need a Security Operations Center? 506 338 Phoenix Software Development

In fact, SOC is a team of information security specialists that monitors the state of the company’s IT infrastructure around the clock for potential hacks and other threats. To do this, they use modern technologies for detecting, analyzing, and preventing incidents: for example, SIEM systems for analyzing information security events, Threat Intelligence cyber intelligence technology,…

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Сrm systems for service sector

Сrm systems for service sector 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

The service sector is completely dependent on the interaction with the client. Therefore, it is important to provide high-quality customer service, implement marketing tools to attract new customers, and retain regular visitors. Business organization is simplified by CRM for the service sector. Detailed reports, convenient tools for working with clients, automation in the service sector…

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Coronavirus: How to protect yourself?

Coronavirus: How to protect yourself? 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

The pandemic of a new type of coronavirus COVID-19, announced by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, has a profound impact on all aspects of life around the world. Due to the threat of the coronavirus, states are closing borders and introducing unprecedented security measures. At Phoenix Software, we are concerned about the…

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Tips for efficient web development from project manager at Phoenix

Tips for efficient web development from project manager at Phoenix 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

Our project manager has shared recommendations on how to manage the development of complex web products so that the team and the customer would not be excruciatingly hurt. These tips seem obvious, but still, not everyone takes them into account when working on projects. Understand customer The customer does not always know our terminology and…

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Web Development 2020

Web Development 2020 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

It’s no secret that in the web development industry, everything is changing at lightning fast. If you follow new trends, then you most likely have witnessed the rise and fall of numerous technologies. However, the growing web development trends in 2020 are those sites, tools, and elements that have the greatest potential, popularity, and growth…

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How to save on application backend

How to save on application backend 2560 1707 Phoenix Software Development

The backend is one of the most expensive graphs in the development phase of a mobile application. The desire to save is justified, especially when the idea of ​​the application is not completely sure. Store data on the client-side In this case, the application will work even without the Internet, but will be deprived of…

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